To supply its shops with fresh goods efficiently every day, Spanish grocery retailer AhorraMás collaborated with TGW to create a central distribution centre for its range of refrigerated and frozen foods. The sensitive goods are stored, picked and transported in areas with optimal temperature control. Extremely short lead times ensure that the goods are fresh and of the highest quality.
SHORT LEAD TIMES ensure the freshness and quality of the goods
INDIVIDUALLY TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED ZONES for storage and picking of the sensitive fresh goods
High quality grocery goods are the top priority for AhorraMás. Therefore, the shops are supplied with fresh food every day. To offer customers the best quality, the groceries need to be processed immediately and shipped quickly after their arrival at the logistics centre. The TGW intralogistics solution makes this possible. It takes into account the processing of the refrigerated and frozen product ranges, concluding in gathering products for shipment and delivering them to supermarkets in roll containers.
Our automatic mini-load warehouses are particularly durable, enabling them to also be used in the freezer area. At -23° Celsius, the cartons with frozen goods are stored and retrieved using highly dynamic Mustang SRMs, thus ensuring the high output required by AhorraMás.
Spanish grocery retailer AhorraMás, based in Velilla de San Antonio, has experienced strong growth since its founding in 1979. The company operates most of its approximately 260 supermarkets in or close to Madrid, Spain's densely populated capital. With its "neighbourhood supermarket" concept, AhorraMás can ensure that customers can purchase fresh food conveniently.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.